<updated: 7/26/19>
If you are a Summerplace resident, and a first time user of this website
On the lower level of the Clubhouse the Mazama Room is dedicated to billiards/pool, snooker, table tennis, and shuffle board.

Looking to fill a quiet afternoon or a rainy evening with some fun? Come to the Clubhouse and utilize one of the game room activities.
Join groups which play Table Tennis, Pool, Billiards or Snooker at scheduled times, or bring some friends or neighbors and get a tournament going or come any time just to get in some practice. All the equipment you need is available in the rooms.
Mazama Game Room
Note, this room is reserved for members and their guests who are 18 and older.
Check out the Activities page to see if there is a group or activity you’d like to join.

Please note, the link to the Activities page requires membership of the website. To join the website you must be a Summerplace resident. More details here.
<updated: 10/21/24>